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Privacy Policy

The Sodexo Group builds strong and durable rela­tion­ships with its clients, part­ners, consumers and its employ­ees based on recip­rocal trust: ensur­ing the secur­ity and confid­en­ti­al­ity of their personal data is an abso­lute prior­ity for the Sodexo Group.

The Sodexo Group complies with all French and European regu­lat­ory and legis­lat­ive provi­sions regard­ing the protec­tion of personal data.

The Sodexo Group applies an extremely strict privacy policy to ensure the protec­tion of the personal data of the users of its websites and other applic­a­tions:

Each user retains control over their data. The data are processed in a trans­par­ent, confid­en­tial and secure manner.
The Sodexo Group is commit­ted to a continu­ous approach to protect­ing user data, in compli­ance with the French Data Protec­tion Act of Janu­ary 6, 1978 as amended (the Loi Inform­atique et Liber­tés, here­in­after the “LIL”) and the European General Data Protec­tion Regu­la­tion of April 27, 2016 (here­in­after the “GDPR”).
The Sodexo Group has a team dedic­ated to personal data protec­tion composed of the Group Data Protec­tion Officer declared to the CNIL (French Data Protec­tion Author­ity) and a network of specific contact points for the protec­tion of personal data.


“Personal Data”                                               

refers to any inform­a­tion regard­ing an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able natural person; an “iden­ti­fi­able natural person” is considered to be a natural person who can be iden­ti­fied directly or indir­ectly in partic­u­lar by refer­ence to an iden­ti­fier, such as a name, an iden­ti­fic­a­tion number, loca­tion data, an online iden­ti­fier, or one or more specific pieces of inform­a­tion relat­ing to their phys­ical, physiolo­gical, genetic, psycho­lo­gical, economic, cultural or social iden­tity (here­in­after the “Data subject”).  

“we”, “us” or “our”                                            

refers to the Sodexo Group entity that conducts the Personal Data Processing activ­it­ies.

 “Data Control­ler”                                            

refers to the natural or legal person that determ­ines the purposes and means for data processing.


refers to the services offered on the Portal and/or within one of our estab­lish­ments.

“Data Processor”                                             

refers to the natural or legal person that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Control­ler.


refers to any user / visitor to the Portal.


refers to this Website and/or, where applic­able, the mobile applic­a­tion and any sub-sites, mirror sites, portals or differ­ent URLs related thereto.



We consider the protec­tion of your Personal Data to be of great import­ance.

We have draf­ted this policy to inform you of the condi­tions under which we collect, process, use and protect your Personal Data. Please read it care­fully to know which categor­ies of personal data are collec­ted and processed, how we use these data and who we may share them with. This policy also describes your rights and how you can contact us to exer­cise them or to ask us any ques­tions about your Personal Data.

This Policy may be amended, completed or updated in partic­u­lar in order to comply with any legal, regu­lat­ory, case law or tech­nical devel­op­ments. However, your Personal Data shall always be processed pursu­ant to the policy in force at the time that they were collec­ted, unless a mandat­ory legal instruc­tion provides other­wise and has retro­act­ive effect.

This policy forms part of the General Terms and Condi­tions of Use of the Portal.



The Data Control­ler for Personal Data is the company Yachts de Paris, Société par actions simpli­fiée [simpli­fied joint stock company under French law], with share capital of €4,246,957.25, the registered office of which is located at Port Henri IV – 75004 Paris entered on the Paris Trade and Compan­ies Register under the number 414.487.892.



We may collect your Personal Data directly (in partic­u­lar by means of forms on our Portal) or indir­ectly (in partic­u­lar by means of service providers and/or tech­no­lo­gies on our Portal).

We under­take to ask for your consent and/or to allow you to object to the use of your data for certain purposes, whenever neces­sary. Further­more, you may opt to receive custom­ized offers and messages from us. In this context, to with­draw your consent, you simply need to click on the unsub­scribe link in the most recent custom­ized offer or message that you received from us. In any event, you shall be informed of the purposes for which your data are collec­ted by means of the differ­ent data collec­tion forms online and by the Cookie Policy.



We may collect and process the follow­ing types of Personal Data:

the inform­a­tion that you provide by filling out the forms on the Portal, in partic­u­lar for the purposes of regis­tra­tion, parti­cip­a­tion in surveys and events, for market­ing purposes (e.g. civil status, surname, first name, etc.);
the inform­a­tion that you provide for the purposes of authen­tic­a­tion and brows­ing on the inter­net (e.g. IP address, cook­ies, etc.);
the inform­a­tion that you provide for the purposes of book­ing and paying for a Service (e.g. tele­phone number, email and postal address, bank card number, etc.);
the inform­a­tion that you provide for the purpose of managing your job applic­a­tion and, where applic­able, your recruit­ment process (e.g. resume, inform­a­tion about your educa­tional back­ground, your employ­ment history, awards, diplo­mas, certi­fic­ates, languages spoken, salary expect­a­tions, etc.);
the inform­a­tion that you provide for the purposes or managing a request or a service;
the inform­a­tion that you provide through comments or other content displayed on the Portal.

The Personal Data marked with an aster­isk on the data collec­tion forms are mandat­ory as they are required to take your request into account. If you do not provide the reques­ted inform­a­tion, your requests cannot be taken into account.



We may collect some inform­a­tion by auto­mated means when you visit the Portal in order to facil­it­ate its use and to better custom­ize it and the products and Services accord­ing to your interests and your needs. We commit to asking for your consent when this is neces­sary. For further inform­a­tion please see our Cookie Policy.

After obtain­ing your consent, we may collect some inform­a­tion by auto­mated means when you visit the Portal in order to custom­ize and improve your exper­i­ence. We collect this inform­a­tion by vari­ous means, such as:


A “cookie” is a small data file that is sent through your browser when you are on our Portal and saved on your terminal. This file includes inform­a­tion such as the domain name, the inter­net service provider, the oper­at­ing system, and the date and time of access by the user. Cook­ies do not pose any threat to your terminal.

The cook­ies are not used to determ­ine the iden­tity of an indi­vidual who visits our Website. The cook­ies enable us in partic­u­lar to determ­ine your geograph­ical loca­tion and the language to display to improve your brows­ing. They also make it possible for us to process inform­a­tion about your visit on the Website, which pages you consul­ted and the searches you made in order to improve the content on the Website, keep track of the subjects that interest you and to offer you the most appro­pri­ate content.

If you do not wish to receive cook­ies from our Portal you can config­ure this choice by using our manage­ment tool or by directly config­ur­ing your browser.

Finally, by click­ing on the appro­pri­ate icons for social media such as Twit­ter, Face­book, LinkedIn, etc. that are included where applic­able on our Portal and if you accept that cook­ies can be saved by continu­ing to browse on the Portal, the social media in ques­tion may also save cook­ies on your terminal (computer, tablet computer, cell phone, etc.). These types of cook­ies are only saved on your termin­als if you consent to it by continu­ing to browse on the Website. You may never­the­less with­draw your consent for the social media to save this type of cook­ies at any time.

Please see our Cookie Policy for more inform­a­tion.

IP Addresses

An IP address is a unique iden­ti­fier that some elec­tronic devices use to identify them­selves and to commu­nic­ate with each other on the inter­net. When you browse the Website, we may use the IP address of the device that you use to connect to it. We use this inform­a­tion to determ­ine the general phys­ical loca­tion of the device and to under­stand which geograph­ical area visit­ors to the Portal come from.


The Portal may use Google Analyt­ics to gener­ate stat­ist­ical reports. These reports indic­ate to us for example how many users have visited the Portal, which pages were visited, and which geograph­ical area the Website’s users come from. The inform­a­tion collec­ted by using these stat­ist­ics may include for example your IP address, the website from which you arrived on our Website and the type of device you are using. Your IP address is masked on our systems and will only be used when neces­sary to solve tech­nical issues, to admin­is­ter the Portal and to under­stand the pref­er­ences of its visit­ors. Inform­a­tion about traffic on the Portal is only avail­able to author­ized person­nel. We do not use any of this inform­a­tion to identify visit­ors and we do not share it with third parties. 



Our Portal can offer you the option of click­ing on icons for social media, for example, Twit­ter, Face­book, LinkedIn, etc.

Social media make it possible to improve the user friend­li­ness of the Portal and help to promote it via shar­ing. The video shar­ing services make it possible to enrich our Portal with video content and to make it more visible.

When you click on these buttons, we may have access to personal inform­a­tion that you have indic­ated as being public and access­ible from your profiles on the social media in ques­tion. However, we do not create or use any inde­pend­ent data­base from these social media based on the personal inform­a­tion that you may publish and we shall not process any data regard­ing your private life in this way.

If you do not want us to have access to the personal inform­a­tion published in the public space of your profiles or your social media accounts, you should use the means made avail­able by the social media in ques­tion to limit access to these data.


We may use your Personal Data for the follow­ing purposes in partic­u­lar:



Purpose of the processing

Legal basis

Dura­tion of the reten­tion of these data


Provid­ing the services ordered on the Portal

The imple­ment­a­tion and manage­ment of our contrac­tual rela­tion­ship with you

Up to 5 years from the last activ­ity or the end of our contrac­tual rela­tion­ship


Answer­ing your requests, such as for inform­a­tion, a quote, for contact or a search

The imple­ment­a­tion and manage­ment of our contrac­tual rela­tion­ship with you


Our legit­im­ate interest in commu­nic­at­ing and answer­ing ques­tions, and to improve the qual­ity and oper­a­tional excel­lence of the services that we offer to you

Up to 12 months after the last contact


Processing your requests regard­ing your food pref­er­ences in order to adapt our services, where applic­able

The imple­ment­a­tion and manage­ment of our contrac­tual rela­tion­ship with you

Your consent for processing your food pref­er­ences to be able to adapt our services accord­ingly, where applic­able.

Through­out the dura­tion of the perform­ance of our services


Send­ing you offers and messages about our products and services and/or those of our part­ners 

Our legit­im­ate interest in improv­ing the qual­ity and oper­a­tional excel­lence of the services that we offer to you


Your consent to receive messages and offers from our part­ners.

Up to 3 years from the collec­tion of the data or the last contact from you.


Managing applic­a­tion files, recruit­ment processes and any hiring proced­ure

Perform­ing our contrac­tual rela­tion­ship


Our legit­im­ate interest consist­ing of managing the applic­a­tions and recruit­ment processes for profiles that are appro­pri­ate for our needs


Comply­ing with legal oblig­a­tions, in partic­u­lar in social terms


Your consent for the reten­tion of your applic­a­tion file

The dura­tion of the recruit­ment proced­ure, where applic­able exten­ded by 2 years after obtain­ing your consent


In the context of a recruit­ment, for the dura­tion of the employ­ment



Conduct­ing surveys

Our legit­im­ate interest in improv­ing the qual­ity and oper­a­tional excel­lence of the services that we offer to you

Up to 12 months after the last contact


Custom­iz­ing and improv­ing your exper­i­ence on our Portal

Our legit­im­ate interest in improv­ing the qual­ity and oper­a­tional excel­lence of the services that we offer to you

Up to 12 months after the last contact



We retain your Personal Data for a period that shall not exceed the period neces­sary for the purposes for which they were collec­ted and processed (see the table above). 

At the end of this period, strictly relev­ant data may be retained (i) as proof (in the event of a dispute or in the event of an inspec­tion by author­ized bodies), (ii) to comply with the peri­ods stip­u­lated by legal or regu­lat­ory require­ments and/or (iii) to comply with a contrac­tual oblig­a­tion with our custom­ers.


The secur­ity and confid­en­ti­al­ity of your Personal Data are of great import­ance to us. That is why we restrict the access to your Personal Data solely to the members of our person­nel who need to know them in order to process your request or to provide the service reques­ted.

We do not reveal your Personal Data to any unau­thor­ized third party. We may however share your data with:

the person­nel of entit­ies of the Sodexo Group who are author­ized to manage the services;
our clients, includ­ing your employer in the context of the perform­ance of a contrac­tual oblig­a­tion and/or a public service role;
the person­nel of the subcon­tract­ors on which the Sodexo Group may call to manage services (e.g. tech­nical service providers for host­ing and main­ten­ance, consult­ants, etc.);
the part­ners and/or entit­ies of the Sodexo Group that are author­ized to provide certain services offered by the Portal;
the person­nel of bodies author­ized by the Sodexo Group or by the law to manage the services.

We ensure that these recip­i­ents apply appro­pri­ate secur­ity and confid­en­ti­al­ity meas­ures so that your Personal Data are protec­ted.

We do not author­ize the latter to use or divulge your Personal Data, other than where neces­sary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal oblig­a­tions. Further­more, we may share your Personal Data (i) if the law or legal proceed­ings require us to do so, (ii) in response to a request by the public author­it­ies or other admin­is­tra­tions, or (iii) if we consider that the commu­nic­a­tion of these data is neces­sary or appro­pri­ate, to ensure the secur­ity of people or to protect the public and to protect our rights and prop­erty as well as those of our clients.


As a general rule, we do not collect Personal Data of a sens­it­ive nature through our Portal. “Sens­it­ive Personal Data” is considered to include any inform­a­tion regard­ing racial or ethnic origin, polit­ical opin­ions, reli­gion or philo­soph­ical beliefs, the member­ship of a trade union, health data, or data regard­ing the sex life or sexual orient­a­tion of a natural person. This defin­i­tion also includes Personal Data regard­ing convic­tions and crim­inal offenses.

In the event that collect­ing such data were to be strictly neces­sary to accom­plish the purpose of the processing carried out, we shall do so accord­ing to the require­ments of local legis­la­tion regard­ing the protec­tion of personal data and, in partic­u­lar, with your expli­cit, prior consent and under the condi­tions described in this Privacy Policy.


The Portal is aimed at adults who are able to contract oblig­a­tions under the legis­la­tion of the coun­try in which you are located.

In France, a user who is a minor under the age of 15 or who is legally incap­able must obtain the prior consent of their legal guard­ian before enter­ing their personal data on the Portal.



Due to the inter­na­tional nature of the Sodexo Group, your Personal Data may be trans­ferred to recip­i­ents, inside or outside the company, that are author­ized to perform services on our behalf and that may be located in a coun­try outside the European Union or the European Economic Area that does not offer an adequate level of protec­tion for Personal Data. 

To guar­an­tee the secur­ity and the confid­en­ti­al­ity of the Personal Data trans­ferred in this way, we take all the meas­ures neces­sary to ensure that such data have adequate protec­tion, such as by sign­ing the European Commis­sion’s Stand­ard Contrac­tual Clauses or any other mech­an­ism ensur­ing an equi­val­ent level of protec­tion.



Sodexo under­takes to facil­it­ate the exer­cising of your rights pursu­ant to the applic­able regu­la­tion. Below you will find a table summar­iz­ing the differ­ent rights that you are entitled to:


You can request access to the Personal Data that we have regard­ing you. You can also request the correc­tion of any Personal Data that may be inac­cur­ate or that any incom­plete Personal Data be completed.


You also have the right to know the sources of these Personal Data.


Your right to obli­vion entitles you to request the dele­tion of your Personal Data when:

  1. the Personal Data are no longer neces­sary with regard to the purposes for which they were collec­ted and processed;
  2. you decide to with­draw your consent (in the event that your consent was reques­ted as a legal basis for the processing). This with­drawal does not have any impact on the lawful­ness of the processing before its imple­ment­a­tion;
  3. you object to the processing of your Personal Data;
  4. your Personal Data were processed in an illegal manner;
  5. your Personal Data must be erased to comply with a legal oblig­a­tion; or
  6. their dele­tion is required to ensure compli­ance with the applic­able legis­la­tion.


You can also request a limit­a­tion on the processing of your Personal Data if:

  1. you dispute the accur­acy of your Personal Data;
  2. we do not require your Personal Data for the needs of the processing; and
  3. you object to the processing of your Personal Data on legit­im­ate grounds.


Where applic­able, you may request that we provide your Personal Data in a struc­tured format, which is commonly used and that can be read by a machine, or you may ask for your Personal Data to be sent directly to another data control­ler on the condi­tion that:

  1. the processing is based on your consent or on an exist­ing contrac­tual rela­tion­ship; and
  2. that it is performed by auto­mated processes.

You also have the right to request that your Personal Data be sent directly to a third party of your choice (when this is tech­nic­ally possible).



You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data (right of “with­drawal”) partic­u­larly with regard to profil­ing or market­ing messages. When we process your Personal Data based on your consent, you can with­draw your consent at any time.


At any time, you can also request that you no longer receive advert­ise­ments or market­ing messages from us by contact­ing us directly and free of charge, or using the unsub­scribe link in all of the market­ing messages we may send to you by email, or by send­ing an email to the address provided below. This objec­tion is without preju­dice to the legal­ity of the messages sent prior to its imple­ment­a­tion.


Pursu­ant to article L.223–2 of the French Consumer Code, the User is informed of their right to register at no charge on the Do Not Call List (



You have the right to not be made subject to any decision based solely on auto­mated processing, includ­ing profil­ing, which may have legal implic­a­tions for you or that may affect you signi­fic­antly in a similar manner.


Under French law regard­ing the protec­tion of personal data, you may also define instruc­tions regard­ing the exer­cising of your rights provided for by this section after your death, (in partic­u­lar regard­ing how long they are kept, their dele­tion and/or their commu­nic­a­tion) as well as appoint­ing a person to exer­cise these rights.


You can file a complaint with the French Data Protec­tion Author­ity (Commis­sion Nationale de l’In­form­atique et des Liber­tés – CNIL) on the follow­ing link:

You can also take legal action before the courts of the coun­try in which the Sodexo entity has an estab­lish­ment or in the coun­try in which you are usually resid­ent.


To exer­cise these rights, you can contact us by means of this online form. We may ask you for addi­tional inform­a­tion to identify you and to able to process your request.


We take all appro­pri­ate tech­nical and organ­iz­a­tional meas­ures to ensure the secur­ity and confid­en­ti­al­ity of the processing of Personal Data.

In this regard, we take all neces­sary precau­tions, in view of the nature of the Personal Data and the risks repres­en­ted by its processing, in order to preserve the secur­ity of the data and, in partic­u­lar, to prevent them from being dena­tured or damaged and to prevent unau­thor­ized third parties from having access (through the phys­ical protec­tion of premises, authen­tic­a­tion proced­ures with secure and personal access by means of logins and pass­word protec­tion, the logging of connec­tions, encrypt­ing certain data, etc.).



We use a data­base to manage, monitor and develop our commer­cial rela­tion­ships with our exist­ing and/or poten­tial custom­ers. This data­base includes the Personal Data of our employ­ees and our custom­ers or other part­ners with whom we have a busi­ness rela­tion­ship or with whom we wish to estab­lish such a rela­tion­ship. These data, which are used exclus­ively for these purposes, include in partic­u­lar: contact details (surname, first name, profes­sional tele­phone number and email address, etc.), inform­a­tion that is access­ible to the public, answers to targeted emails and other inform­a­tion collec­ted and recor­ded by our employ­ees in the context of inter­ac­tions with our custom­ers and/or part­ners. This data­base may be shared with subsi­di­ar­ies and/or other commer­cial part­ners of the Sodexo Group with whom we already have or with whom we wish to have a busi­ness rela­tion­ship. It shall only be used by the latter to send our exist­ing and/or poten­tial custom­ers messages or to offer them services related to their activ­ity. Any indi­vidual whose contact details may be trans­ferred can ask these recip­i­ents to with­draw them from their CRM data­base. If you wish to be removed from our CRM data­bases, please complete our Request form.



We occa­sion­ally provide links to other websites for prac­tical and inform­a­tion purposes. Most of these websites are Sodexo websites, and some of them oper­ate inde­pend­ently from our websites and are not under our control. These websites oper­ated by third parties may have their own privacy notice or condi­tions of use, which we strongly suggest you study. We refuse to accept any respons­ib­il­ity for the content of these websites, with regard to the products and services that may be offered on them or regard­ing any other use.



We may update or amend this policy from time to time in the event that our Services and our legal oblig­a­tions change in a substan­tial manner. In the event that we make any signi­fic­ant changes to this policy, we shall publish an inform­a­tion note on our Portal at the time when the changes in ques­tion enter into force. Please consult this page regu­larly to keep track of any modi­fic­a­tions.

If you have any ques­tions or comments regard­ing this policy, please feel free to contact us at­o­ or contact our Group Data Protec­tion Officer at­o­

Last update: March 2021