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The Don Juan II will be closed from Febru­ary 9th to March 11th included. Book now for a gast­ro­nomic even­ing start­ing from March 12th on. 

Practical information

Everything you need to know about your cruise

How to get here and opening times

  • Please note that board­ing will take place at the Port de Javel Haut, Paris (75015) on 16 and 17 July, and from 27 to 31 July. After 1 August, board­ing will return to its usual loca­tion at Port Debilly.

    In addi­tion, due to prepar­a­tions for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the Don Juan II will be closed from 18 to 26 July inclus­ive.

  • You will find the Don Juan II docked at Port Debilly, oppos­ite the Eiffel Tower on the Right Bank.
  • The Don Juan II will host you from 7.45 pm until 8.15 pm on Tues­day to Saturday, book­ings only.
  • A free private park­ing is avail­able in front of the Don Juan II (Port Debilly). If the latter is full, paid park­ing lots and a taxi drop-off are avail­able and nearby.
  • Public trans­port: Metro station: Trocadéro (line 6) – Metro station Iéna (line 9) – RER Pont de l’Alma (RER C).

Code of Conduct

So that you can make the most of your cruise and to facil­it­ate the work of the crew, we ask you to abide by some rules.

  • All passen­gers are kindly reques­ted to board on time as the boat leaves the dock at 8.15 pm precisely.
  • Dress smartly: jeans, over­alls, sneak­ers and other informal wear should be avoided.
  • Speak to the staff who ensure your comfort through­out the cruise respect­fully and politely.

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