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Le Don Juan II will remain open through­out the Olympic Games.


The Don Juan II will be closed from July 18th to July 26th included. 

Please note that on July 16th and 17th, as well as from July 27th to 31st, board­ing will take place at Port de Javel Haut, 75015 Paris.

The measures we take against Covid-19

Today, our prior­ity is to host you under the best condi­tions and to continue to offer you a magical exper­i­ence, in abso­lute safety on-board the Don Juan II. 
Our teams have there­fore worked to imple­ment a Charter of Commit­ment to protect you.

  • Ensuring social distancing between diners

    Our tables are suffi­ciently spaced from each other to respect social distan­cing.

  • Enhanced cleaning of all areas

    We have enhanced the clean­ing of the boat, which is disin­fec­ted regu­larly accord­ing to a specific proced­ure using anti-viral clean­ing products.

  • Cleaning hands at all times

    Water and soap or hydroal­co­holic gel dispensers are avail­able to you in all areas.

  • Our staff are committed to keeping you safe

    All of our teams have been trained to comply with and enforce social distan­cing and safety meas­ures, as well as all the prevent­ive meas­ures that we have specific­ally put in place.