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Le Don Juan II will remain open through­out the Olympic Games.


The Don Juan II will be closed from July 18th to July 26th included. 

Please note that on July 16th and 17th, as well as from July 27th to 31st, board­ing will take place at Port de Javel Haut, 75015 Paris.

Legal notices

Name of the Portal­de­


This Portal is published by the company Yachts de Paris, Société par actions simpli­fiée [simpli­fied joint stock company under French law], with share capital of €4,246,957.25, the registered office of which is located at Port Henri IV – 75004 Paris entered on the Paris Trade and Compan­ies Register under the number 414.487.892.
Intra-Community VAT Number:  FR 27 414487892

Email address: reser­va­­de­­achts­de­
Tele­­phone number: +33 (0) 1 83 77 44 40.


Public­a­­tion Director/Chief Editor

Franck Chanevas



This Website is hosted by LINKBYNET, Société par actions simpli­fiée (S.A.S.) [a simpli­fied joint stock company under French law], the registered office of which is located at 5–9 Rue de l’In­­dus­trie – 93200 Saint-Denis, entered on the Bobigny Trade and Compan­ies Register under the number 430 359 927, whose tele­­phone number is: +33 (01) 1 48 13 31 21 



Marie-Line SINA 

