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The Don Juan II will be closed from Febru­ary 9th to March 11th included. Book now for a gast­ro­nomic even­ing start­ing from March 12th on. 

The Chef

I offer you a gast­ro­nomic jour­ney that will enthrall you just as much as the City of Lights.


The Chef:

Frédéric Anton, Master of Culinary Arts in Paris

On board the Don Juan II, on the Seine in Paris, Frédéric Anton invites you to a gast­ro­nomic jour­ney in the heart of the City of Light, where each dish is a revel­a­tion, a master­piece that celeb­rates French cuisine and the subtlety of flavors. This high-end restaur­ant, led by a chef with three Mich­elin stars and 12 Gault & Millau toques, offers an unpar­alleled exper­i­ence for those who wish to savor excep­tional cuisine.

The Culinary Adventure on the Seine

On this luxury dinner cruise in Paris, each dish craf­ted by Frédéric Anton is an ode to substance and authen­ti­city. The Chef creates dishes where textures and colors harmo­ni­ously blend, delight­ing the eyes before surpris­ing the palate. By show­cas­ing excep­tional products in clean and refined compos­i­tions, he enhances the seasons and captures their essence to offer a unique visual and gust­at­ory spec­tacle. The menus adapt to seasonal ingredi­ents, for an excep­tional cuisine, true to the values of French gast­ro­nomy.

The Excellence of Seasonal Dishes, Signed by Frédéric Anton

Master of time and seasons, Frédéric Anton prior­it­izes ingredi­ents of impec­cable fresh­ness, sourced from the best local produ­cers. At this one-star restaur­ant in Paris, the dishes vary with the rhythm of the harvests and discov­er­ies, creat­ing a symphony of flavors that pays homage to nature and its abund­ance. Each dish on the menu of this Mich­elin-starred chef celeb­rates French cuisine, while adding a unique touch, a signa­ture of the gast­ro­nomic exper­i­ence at Frédéric Anton’s restaur­ant.

The Art of Hosting: A Parisian Gastronomic Experience

Much more than just a restaur­ant, every moment spent on the Seine, in this float­ing sanc­tu­ary of cuisine, is a prom­ise of convi­vi­al­ity and shar­ing. Frédéric Anton cultiv­ates an art of host­ing imbued with warmth, making each dinner an unfor­get­table exper­i­ence. Thus, the chef’s menu, with its stud­ied flavors, makes it one of Paris’s best-kept secrets for those seek­ing a restaur­ant where cuisine blends with the magic of the Seine.

Frédéric Anton’s restaur­ant offers here the eleg­ance of a starred table, where French gast­ro­nomy is expressed with unique refine­ment and where each dish becomes an unfor­get­table memory, signed by a French starred chef.

raviole-plat signature-frederic-anton

Frédéric Anton, the artisan of senses and dishes of France

Best Crafts­man of France, inter­na­tion­ally renowned three-star chef, Frédéric Anton creates high-flying cuisine, marked by tech­nical skill and refine­ment. After leav­ing his mark on the pres­ti­gi­ous Pré Catelan and Jules Verne, this culin­ary genius now dedic­ates his expert­ise to Don Juan II, the unique dinner cruise in Paris that stands out for the eleg­ance of its starred table. In this sanc­tu­ary of gast­ro­nomy, Frédéric Anton’s restaur­ant presents menus of rare qual­ity, enhan­cing each ingredi­ent for an unfor­get­table exper­i­ence that rein­vents the pleas­ures of the table.